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About Us

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- Jennifer Klarén, Owner -

I don't remember a time in my life that books

were not a huge part of my world …


One of my favorite memories of childhood is

being read to. My mom always took time to sit

with us and read our favorite children's stories

while my dad would lay on our beds at night and

read the old classics to us (I think they hoped it

would put us to sleep ... which it never did!) 


As a child growing up my family had a

Bookbindery, where books are put together bit by

bit, I just loved it when we got to go to work with

Dad and see the huge machines turn out brand

new books. I stood there for hours just watching

the amazing process and then if we were lucky

my dad would pick up a finished book and hand

it to us to take home.


On vacations, my family would spend hundreds of hours in bookstores finding treasures, and our parents never even blinked an eye when they saw the stack of books we wanted to take home. 


My 5th-grade teacher would let us draw as she read to us from Hans Christian Anderson, the stories magically came to life like never before.


So many wonderful memories involving books and reading...


As an adult, I have come to have a deep love for the written word and have my own treasured collection in every room of my home. I can't imagine life without books! I love the smell of a brand new book and the sound of it crackling as I open it for the first time not to mention the comfort I feel having a book in my hands. My soul truly delights in a brand new story and I can't seem to read fast enough to find out the ending, my favorite thing is to curl up in a cozy chair and find my old friends in the pages of a well-loved book.


These and so many other reasons are why I opened Woodland Book Nook. I want to share my love of books with everyone while helping to get personal libraries in every home so that families can share in the joy reading brings.

Image by David Lezcano
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